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Best Breeds for Beginners

Best Breeds for Beginners

You've been thinking about chickens or turkeys and decided it's time to take the plunge and start a flock of your own. Here is some helpful information on the different breeds available through your local Farm & Ranch Supply store.

Rhode Island Red

Rhode Island Red

  • Excellent layers, producing more than 20 medium-sized eggs per year
  • Very friendly and docile
  • Easy to care for - can adapt to confinement or free ranging
  • Hardly breed

Barred Plymouth Rock

Barred Plymouth Rock

  • Dual-purpose breed with tasty meat and good egg production
  • Produces about 200 large brown eggs per year
  • Easy to manage
  • Cold weather resistant
  • Easy keepers that have a calm temperament

Columbian Rock

Columbian Rock

  • Large dual-purpose breed
  • Produces up to 300 eggs annually
  • Quiet and docile
  • Extremely hardy

Miller's Red Sussex Cross

Miller's Red Sussex Cross

  • Heavier bird that is easy to maintain
  • Lays lighter brown medium-sized eggs
  • Hens are very quiet
  • Great meat birds ranging between 5.5lb and 6.5lb at 16 weeks

Miller's White Leghorn

Miller's White Leghorn

  • Lays large white eggs
  • Excellent shell quality
  • Quiet temperament even though they are leghorns